Zalahaláp - development of the Music in the Crater events venue

An amazingly brave idea: music in a crater! An experiment was launched in a small village near Tapolca, based on the uniqueness of the acoustic conditions, in an amazing landscape and environment, with the costly and difficult construction of basic infrastructures.
The 358-metre high Haláp is one of the witness hills of the Tapolca basin, the youngest in age and the most diverse in geology and minerals. From Haláp, you can enjoy a magnificent panorama of Lake Balaton, the Káli and Tapolca basins, which can be seen from the hills.
Many tons of stone have been extracted from the mine over the last 100 years, resulting in the complete disappearance of the mountain's sipka. This volcanic arena is now a nomadic venue for music concerts!
The events held here will provide a unique, unrepeatable musical experience, with a sound and acoustic experience that will create a musical catharsis, all this spiced with the unique natural environment, the magnificent panorama of the surrounding ring of witness mountains!