Window installations evoking past centuries

A city's past can exist in old pictures, stored in archives in filing cabinets, or it can exist in a form that is directly accessible and visible to everyone. In a year-long series of programmes, we are bringing to life the windows of five of the city's most important shops, using archival photographs. The shop window at 4 Rákóczi út offers a glimpse into the life of Károly Francsics, a 19th century barber from Veszprém and the author of the first Hungarian autobiography of literary interest. The Black Eagle Pharmacy was the first pharmacy in Veszprém, already in operation in the mid-18th century. A window showing its history is located at 8 Rákóczi Street. Dr. Jenő Rosenberg, the city councillor and chief physician of the Veszprém county, was respected as a benefactor of the people and a doctor for the poor. The Rosenberg House is the site of a window dedicated to him. The window at 17 Kossuth utca commemorates József Streit, a photographer who captured Veszprém in the bombing raids of the Second World War, among other things, creating a series of photographs of great value for the history of the city. In the window of the Gourmandia Restaurant, overlooking Árpád Brusznyai Street, the story of the innkeepers is told.