University course 'Greenfluencer - innovative green communication'

The Greenfluencer programme is a blended course (a combination of MOOC and seminar courses) developed within the framework of the GreenCool Erasmus+ international project. From September 2021, four European Capitals of Culture (Veszprém, Kaunas, Timișoara and Tartu) collaborated with a Greek consulting company (Athens) to develop and test the course over two years in five languages. Five colleagues from the University of Pannonia participated in the course's idea development, bid writing, project design, active course development and teaching: Dr. Edit Kővári (professional leader), Réka Vámosi (project leader), Éva Kruppa-Jakab (cultural referent), Dr. Katalin Formádi (instructor) and Dr. Zsófia Márta Papp (instructor).
The aim of the application was to combine the building of a highly relevant green attitude with communication (influencer) elements so that young people can see themselves as green ambassadors after completing the course and influence the people around them. The course is innovative in several ways: its development was preceded by a survey in which nearly 800 university students from Hungary, Romania, Lithuania and Estonia completed a questionnaire on sustainability, communication, and influencer topics. Additionally, focus group interviews were conducted with 27 individuals in the four countries, including experts, sustainability specialists, instructors, students and green influencers. The results of the two surveys provided the green and communication topics that formed the basis of the curriculum and course content. The structured course consists of five modules, where the segmentation consistently guides the student through knowledge, inspiration and action.