Storytelling Bus Stops - The Corso

After Sunday's 'fragrant' mass in the Cathedral (around half past eleven), the elegantly dressed families and couples took a walk on the Veszprém promenade before lunch, which started from Korona Restaurant and went along the fence of the Inner Bishop's Gardens to the Bishop's Estate Governor's Office. The terraced flower beds on the eastern side of Bishop's Gardens, the beauty of the ornamental shrubs, guelder-roses and flowers provided a festive setting for the introduction walk, and the pleasant surroundings attracted the citizens who came to the walk. The military officers stationed in Veszprém and the unmarried young daughters of the gentry families walked in front, followed by their parents and chaperones. Walking up and down, talking, the ladies presented their outfits and new dresses to each other. After lunch, the friendly families met in Elisabeth Grove and spent Sunday afternoon walking and talking.
During their Sunday afternoon leave, the maids, servants and privates stationed in Veszprém walked along the footpath next to the northern fence of the Inner Bishop's Gardens. The girls from the German villages in the Bakony, dressed in traditional costume, walked in fours, arms linked, up and down from the north side of Korona Restaurant to the Loreto Sisires' Institute and back. They were escorted in groups by privates from the army barracks.