Jutasi Community Hub

Urban public spaces are the most important physical areas of city life. They simultaneously provide space for both active and passive activities such as recreation, sports, play, relaxation, gatherings, celebrations and transport.
In 2021, surveys were conducted in the Jutas and Haszkovó housing estates — Veszprém's most populous districts — to assess residents' needs for developing public spaces in the area. The evaluations revealed, among other things, a high demand for the renewal of green spaces in Táborállás Park and the addition of new functions and supplementary elements.
The main development elements realised as part of the project include:
Making the park in front of the community centre more accessible for community events, renewing the vegetation, enhancing biodiversity, and making the area more attractive.
Expanding the existing central paved area and creating a 10x10 metre mobile stage, along with a 150-200 square metre seating area.
Installing, replacing and renovating paved surfaces.
Installing street furniture.