Főnix Theatre Association, Sümeg

Sümeg and Tapolca are twin towns. In 2022, the theatre-loving citizens of the two towns witnessed a new type of encounter. In a musical play about the life of Sándor Kisfaludy, entitled Restless Soul by Erzsébet N. Horváth, amateur actors from Sümeg and Tapolca performed together on stage with great success. Already then the will was born: to continue their work together in the framework of an association. After the registration in the Commercial Court, the relationship was built up further. In the last two years, the company has presented four plays and two literary memorial evenings. These performances were applauded not only by the audiences of Sümeg and Tapolca, but also by the audiences of Badacsonytomaj, Devecser, Zalahaláp, Lesenceistvándi and Gyulakeszi.

The choice of the name - Főnix Színjátszó Egyesület - is symbolic. Just as the phoenix bird symbolises eternal renewal and rebirth, so amateur theatre has been reborn again for the umpteenth time in the last century and a half. But from now on, it will also act as a cultural bridge between the two towns... The Association set out with huge plans, backed up by a team, diligence, perseverance and, last but not least, a knowledge base.

The Association aims to preserve and cultivate the traditions of amateur theatre, and to involve the public in all possible aspects of cultural life. It is intended to use amateur theatre to reach out to those sections of the population who, because of their lifestyle and opportunities, are far removed from the many areas of cultural life that are accessible in this way. It also aims to bring together people interested in theatre and to support their work professionally. To organise professional meetings, forums, meetings and consultations. In addition to the creation of amateur theatre performances, the NGO also organises theatre festivals. Its activities will also include the development, creation and presentation of cultural, folklore and traditional values.