Castle wall promenade

The walkway starts from János Sziklay Street, from the low point of the retaining wall running along the existing footpath near the site boundary. A reception area has been created at the start and in front of the entrance to the dungeon - the alignment of the reception area is in line with the concept of the content developer. At the entrance to the promenade, a gate welcomes visitors, with the possibility of closing the gate for temporary use. The promenade is open to the public only intermittently, in line with the opening hours of the museum. A lobby has been built outside the new exit to the dungeon. This is where the promenade ends. The development has the potential to attract new crowds to culture and has a significant potential to increase the touristic attractiveness of the project. The requested activity is linked to the Dungeon project. The dungeon walkway is part of the visitor experience of the exhibition in the dungeon, so the implementation of this development greatly enhances the legitimacy of the exhibition.